The PB&J Run presented by Publix is one of the fastest growing races in the Tampa Bay area and the perfect opportunity for your company to reach more than 2,500 runners and spectators. Find out more below!
Our PB&J Run JAMboree is held on race day and offers a great opportunity to interact with active individuals of all ages from across Tampa Bay and beyond. An estimated 2,500 people will be in attendance at Albert Whitted Park that morning, including all race participants and other spectators who are enjoying the events of race day.
Our PB&J Run Race Expo is held in conjunction with packet pick-up and runner registration the day before the run. We are expecting about 50% of our runners to come to packet pick-up, many of whom will be interested in spending some time at Albert Whitted Park and preparing for the race the next morning.
Vendor Inquiries
Describe your company and display/interactive components that you would like to bring to the PB&J Run. We will provide you with more information about becoming a vendor!